Tuesday, November 17, 2009


For the most part I don't mind driving the piece of shit 4-door Infinity company car until I am seen in it by an old friend; like today.

Is that shallow?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

3 Months

We've passed the critical 3-month stage and the doctors are very pleased with how things are progressing. We're estatic as well, of course.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Awesome Day

Monday was an awesome day! Wanna know why? By my calculations its the longest possible time until the next batch of leaves fall that need to be raked up.

Sunday was 67 degrees out and sunny. So I spent it raking and transporting leaves to the curb. Fun, huh?!

I work all week to look forward to the weekend. I went to college so I could have a better job than something tedious and manual. Yet -- I spent my weekend doing something tedious and manual.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Two Great Tastes in One?

Surprisingly, Gummy Bears and Iced Coffee don't go well together. Whoda thunk it? Ick!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Life Is Good.

Played some late season golf at a terrific club yesterday with some friends. Brisk out but tons of laughs and the course was most impressive. We followed it with some pizza, beer and blackjack at the Connecticut's other casino. I won $35 too. Life is good!