Thursday, October 15, 2009

3 Things About the New Girl

We have a new girl (woman) working here. She's going on about 3 months I guess. Nice enough lady, but what I don't like:

1) Perfume smells like Citronella. Is there a way of telling someone nicely that you don't like their perfume? Probably not. But I really do hate it. However, I haven't been bitten by a mosquito since she started here. So I have that going for me.

2) Worked here 3 months so far -- missed 7 days already! Seven! And she doesn't have any kids! Then she tells me how she eats right and works out all the time. I should think it ain't working! Down a Big Mac and sit on the couch for the night if it means you can get your ass to work! I bet I haven't missed 7 days due to illness in 20 years here! I'm sure of it.

3) Everything you say to her gets turned into something about her. I mean everything. And to the point that you never even finish your thought. Today I mentioned "(The Little One) and I have been playing Monopoly for the past week and last night she finally beat me. Its so cute watching her learn a new game and its really helping her math...." Then she interrupts! "Oh, I love Monopoly! I used to play all the time, but its been years *blah* *blah* *blah". I never finished. I zoned out her side of the conversation after a time and grabbed some paperwork and sauntered to my office. And if I have to hear about how she's single and 36 and struggling with money any more........

My wife thinks people who do that don't really know how to have a conversation. She's probably right. I have no problem listening to other people's interesting stories and such, but when it kind of stamps onto my side of the thought -- especially before I finish it -- I find it very off-putting.

Oh well.

3 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

Wait are you saying my sister in law works with you? Sounds just like her.

NouveauBlogger said...

Hahahaha - does she smell like Citronella too?

Radioactive Tori said...
