Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Facebook: Online Place for Bullshit

Were one to read an acquaintences Facebook page, often times it would be a life desirable by all. I read pages and think how wonderful their life is and think "that's great"! Good for them.

However, when one reads Facebook pages of those he knows, he quickly realizes its really bullshit. I mean, really, really bullshit.

Its like meeting someone for 30 minutes where they can pretend to be anybody they want. But once you truly get to know them you quickly figure out who they really are. Warts and all. And normally, you accept them.

But when my wife's sister posts about her great fiance and how wonderful her life is going I cringe. I know the real story. And guess what? Three days later, they're broken up! And, frankly her life's been in the shitter for years. Don't get me wrong, I love her dearly, but puh-lease! The same goes for the co-worker I befriended. Her page is wonderful and full of positivity. But at work, have to hear day in and day out about how much her life sucks.

So then, who are the posts for? Strangers? Acquaitences? Anybody who knows them a little obviously knows what's going on.

Then, my mom posts recently about how wonderful her trip down to see us all was. And from my viewpoint it was terrific. Below her post, my brother's wife mentions she wishes my mom had stayed longer. Again, puh-lease! My sister-in-law has never enjoyed my mom's company and frankly when visiting can't get out of her house quick enough.

And yet, another extended family member comes across as the sweetest, most compassionate God-fearing saint. I know her. She's a bitch who's done and said some horrible things to and about others. She's petty, she's back-stabbing and she's mean! She treats her daughter like shit and is ever so quick to knock anybody down a peg in her own little insecure way of building herself up. I can't take her even a little. So much-so that I refuse to "friend" her because I can't tolerate for one second her posts and knowing they're nearly 100% lies! But then, she's phony to your face too.

Those are just a few examples. Of course, I understand its about pleasantries and putting one's best foot forward but for some reason it rubs me the wrong way. I guess I don't tolerate phoniness well.

And I'm sure blogging is similar. People want to show their good side. I get it but I stop and wonder how real it all is. Of course the layers exposed are to put the blogger in the best possible light and all the pronouncements are one side of the story, right? No doubt that won't change. And that's fine.

Good thing my life is perfect though.

4 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

I hate facebook. I am on there and I do read it occasionally but there is no way everyone is exactly who they say they are. I think people put their best side out there, which I bet is a lot how blogs are. Honestly, do I post about the time I yelled at my kids for no good reason? Sometimes but more often I'll post about doing something nice for them. True, but not completely the entire story. It is true that most of the time in life I am positive and happy and nice and a great mom but every once in a great while I am a complete bitch. I will sometimes write about it just because it is so out of character for me but sometimes I leave it out because who wants people to know that stuff?

But then there are people who outright lie. My brother does that. He writes things on facebook and when I question it or ask for more details, believing it as fact since he wrote it, he tells me he was exaggerating or finally admits he made something up. What is the purpose of that? I don't get it either!

NouveauBlogger said...

Exactly! You got my point completely! I wasn't sure how it would come across.

Of course, I'll post about something nice I did for the wife but "forget" to mention that I snapped at her about something stupid.

NouveauBlogger said...

BTW - just re-read my post. Did I set a record for typos??? lol

Misfit in Paradise said...

Uhm, I have facebook. I just rarely post anything on it. Then again, I live in a town of 1,200 people so there really isn't too much I want public. Valid or not.