Monday, October 25, 2010

Raining Leaves

I work all week and get excited when the weekend arrives. Sure I got 18 holes in Saturday morning. Then the rest of the weekend was followed by:

1. Attempt to start lawn tractor;
2. Attempt to jump lawn tractor;'
3. Diagnose lawn tractor problem;
4. Drive to tractor supply store for new solenoid;
5. Replace solenoid on tractor;
6. Suck up leaves, drive to curb, dump them;
7-42. Repeat;
43. Quick soak in the hot-tub with a beer (possibly my favorite point of the weekend;
44. Birthday party for my nephew;
45. Sleep;
46. Wake;
47. Drink coffee;
48. Clean/organize garage;
49 Start lawn tractor (yay!);
50. Rake out gardens;
51. Suck up leaves, drive to curb, dump them;
52-63. Repeat;
64. Drive to in-laws;
65. Blow leaves out of gardens;
66. Rake up leaves;
67. Load leaves in trailer to take to dump.
68. Notice its raining (YES!);
69. Eat dinner;
70. Drive home;
71. Watch football until I fall asleep.

Seems weekends should be more fulfilling.

My son rolled over for the first time. So that's cool.

3 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

Our weekend had a lot of yuck in it too. It was beautiful out but raining. I'm sorry yours was not great.

That is awesome that your son rolled over. It's crazy that he is getting so old already because I remember when you first told about the pregnancy and it seems like it wasn't that long ago.

Misfit in Paradise said...

Since I moved to the country, I haven't raked a leaf in 15 years! I call it mulch!

NouveauBlogger said...

He just turned 5-months R-girl. He's the happiest, most engaging 5-month old I've ever seen.

MIP - I need get rid of some of my trees. There's no chore I dread more than leaves!