Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Stuck all Over

Whilst driving around today and observing one particular car at a light, I realized that there is really nothing I feel so compelled to say to complete strangers that I feel it necessary to paste my car with bumper stickers.

4 kind commenters:

Katie said...

I would never put a bumper sticker on my car. Ever. Ok, well. Maybe if I was having a bad day I would stick one in my window saying something rude... but I'd take it down eventually.

Radioactive Tori said...

I agree.

minijonb said...

i now feel the same way about bumper stickers. i used to have a bunch of really obscure ones, then i woke up.

NouveauBlogger said...

Katie - Now I'm wondering what you'd say, lol.

R-girl - right on!

Minijonb - yeah, I see a lot of the obscure ones too. The one that gets me excited is I expect someone really cool and special to be in the passenger seat (the co-pilot so to speak) but its inevitably a ratty looking dude. Why do they have to tease me?