Monday, November 8, 2010

Easy Peasey, Lemon Squeezy

So the "procedure" wherein they wall off the little swimming tadpoles that are each the spitting image of me, was incredibly easy! Easy as a drunken ex-Catholic school girl on her first bender at college. Easy.

I got a prescription for Vicodin but I never even took an aspirin. I really didn't even need to ice although I did as a precaution Friday afternoon. In fact, on Saturday I had to keep reminding myself to take it easy. That easy.

The doctor (whom the wife thought was hot, R-girl -- but then aren't they all?) was a terribly nice guy and he answered a bunch of questions about college and medical shool. I think he was a bit younger than me and we had kids the same age. He even put on some music which at least shows I was wine and dine material. Hey, if he's going to spend that much time on my junk, I deserve to be treated right, no?

Got kinda weird, though, when he said I did a "good job with the shave". Uh. Thanks. I guess. I normally keep the lower meadows well groomed, so I guess my experience paid off.

In any event, I'm pretty much 100%. A tiny, tiny bit achey, but not a big deal at all. In three months I'm supposed to bring in a sample so they can test it to make sure all the "boys" are still locked up. I feel kinda bad for those little guys all swimming like hell in a big corn maze only there's no way out, but what are you going to do?

Then I though, wouldn't it be funny to F with the sample? My friend's wife breeds dogs so, she....urrr....ummm....shall we say takes care of them? I'm not kidding. Yep, into a little sample jar. Do you think they diagnostic place would notice? I know one thing, the full-breed dog stuff is worth a hell of a lot more than mine.

Or what if the sample was full! Ewww.....3 ounces. But funny.

Okay, enough baudiness.

2 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

I'm glad it went so well! And I am just laughing at the entire rest of the post. I love it!

NouveauBlogger said...

Glad you liked :)