Monday, February 14, 2011

Mrs. Nouveau is Nouveau

Mrs. Nouveau has lost nearly 30 pounds (I found a few of them around my beltline, however) since starting Weight Watchers in November. I'm proud of her, she's proud of her (as she should be), in fact everyone's proud of her. She wasn't huge to start with, but really looks fantastic and as a reward recently spent a king's ransom on new hair cut and coloring/highlighting. She looks great. As I said in my last post, if I wasn't such a fucking catch, I'd fear she was primping to move on to someone better/richer/handsomer.

Weight Watchers, however, is not cheap. Nor is eating healthy. Nor is needed so many new clothes!

So, for a Valentine's present I used some of the money I won on the Superbowl with some I had squirreled away to take her clothes shopping on Saturday evening. I understand its sort of a cop-out, but it's so much easier with her there. I do, however, offer solid opinions when asked.

I didn't tell her how much I had to spend but every time she decided on something I'd ask "anything else you need?" Funny that she quit shopping before I reached my budget so I took her out to a simple late dinner, which was very nice.

Then yesterday, she went through ALL her clothes. I'm talking an 8 foot closet chock full plus a woman's dresser and a man's dresser's worth. Much of the stuff she hadn't worn in years or completely forgot she owned. She purged a bunch of the "bigger" clothes as well as tons of stuff she didn't like/want/need. In the end, however, it was like she just came back from "What Not To Wear" with how much "new" stuff she had discoverd. She kept popping in while I watched golf to show what she found that was long forgotten or that now fit when it hadn't in so long.

When mama's happy, the house is happy, right?

3 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

That actually sounds like a dream. You and your wife are lucky to have each other. I enjoy reading about how good both of you are to each other. Congratulations to Mrs. Nouveau on the weight loss!

NouveauBlogger said...

Thanks R-girl. We certainly have our moments where we drive each other nuts I'm sure, but at least the foundation seems rock solid.

Constance Burris said...

It is freaking expensive to lose weight. I lost twenty pounds last year and i joined WW in October. It took me a very long time to biuld up my wardrobe and now I can't fit any of the clothes.

Kudos for you to treating your wife like the queen she is and encouraging her to look her best.

Good thing you are a catch because most men would be freaking out! haha