Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Suck!

So I had my first night of golf league Tuesday night and I sucked the Royal Big One!

Allegedly I'm an "A" player. That's all well and good, except I tied for 18th out of 22 players!! Granted, I'm only playing one guy and I tied that match, which is the important part, but I barely beat all the "B" players?

Something about trees, sand and water that made things difficult out there for me.

Grrrr.....and I thought I had the game all figured out.

3 kind commenters:

NouveauBlogger said...

Really? Well thanks for the words of encouragement....I think.

Radioactive Tori said...

Wow! I had a real comment and then I read that "Sexy" comment and can't remember what I was going to write. Probably something encouraging about how the first time back at something takes some time to get back into your groove or something. I'm sure you will be much better next time!

NouveauBlogger said...

Thanks R-Girl. I hit balls with TLO over the weekend and ended up hitting them well, so I'm encouraged. Next time is tonight (every Tues) but of course the weather looks dicey.