Monday, March 19, 2007

Lazy, Lazy

Are we really that lazy?

Are we really so lazy that we hit the handicapped access door button when entering a public building? Is that door so heavy that we can't open it on our own? Even to push it? I thought it was for those in wheelchairs not the 25 year old guy just in from a run.

Are we really so lazy that we can't walk up one flight of stairs? We're content, instead, to wait 5 minutes to take the elevator? And we can't find the energy to go down one or two flights? Wow.

Are we really so lazy that we need an electric cart to shop? Is it me or are there ever increasing amounts of people in department or grocery stores riding those little carts designed for people with an actual infirmity? For some reason, it seems to me that some of these people could get around pretty well without the cart. And certainly would benefit if they tried.

Are we really so lazy that on a beautiful spring day we have to sit in our car for 10 minutes waiting for another to load their car because its only 5 spaces from the store? Yet there are plenty of spaces only 20 or so cars away? Is it THAT MUCH effort to walk the equivalent of 240 feet? While I'm at it......DON'T follow me down the lane as I walk to my car please! I hate that!!!! I MAY just be returning for something I forgot too.

Are we really so lazy that we will use handicapped parking passes when we don't really need them but the car we're driving has them - perhaps its for the benefit of a family member? I see plenty of people get out of such cars and walk just fine near as I could tell.

Lazy, lazy, lazy.

And perhaps, just perhaps, some who consistently ride a cart, park ever closer or abuse parking privileges wouldn't feel the need to if they DID in fact walk or excercise periodically.

I know I sound insensitive. For some reason drives me crazy to see reasonalby able-bodied people being so lazy.

Ok, enough ranting. I need to go sit on my couch and watch 9 hours of TV now.

2 kind commenters:

Katie said...

I agree with you. It's not going to kill some people to take the stairs and stop running over my feet at Target with those little drivable carts. and the beeping... it drives me crazy.

NouveauBlogger said...

lol....and I thought I was alone there!