Friday, June 29, 2007

Insane in the Membrane

If the definition of insanity is trying the same thing over and over again but expecting different results, I nominate our recently-high-school-graduated part-time clerk for the cuckoo's nest.

He literally stood at the copier for 15 minutes late yesterday trying in vain to feed the same sheet of paper through the automatic feeder. Now, one would think if the feeder doesn't take the paper perhaps changing the paper direction might do the trick? Or maybe one could open the feeder sleeve to investigate whether there is some interference in there such as a staple or torn paper? Wait. I know. How about lifting the cover and just putting your troublesome document directly on the glass?


He stood there and fed the sheet the same way over and over again as I watched from the other room. And it jammed over and over again in that it wouldn't take the paper to be copied. The red light flashed and the machine produced a blank sheet. Said clerk promptly muttered "Jesus Christ", loudly crumpled the blank sheet, opened the cover to reset the red light and tried again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

When I could no longer stand it, I went over without saying a thing, opened the feeder sleeve, twiddled with the rollers, closed it and sent his document through.

He seemed appreciative.

I wonder if I could get him involuntarily committed for insanity. On the other hand, though, I wish I had his patience.

3 kind commenters:

Radioactive Tori said...

You sure have a lot of patience. I try really hard and am really patient with my kids, but find I lack patience when adults do things like that.

I feel really old when I say things like this, but I think a lot of the problems young people have today is that they never learned to think for themselves and question things/try to solve their own problems.

I am young enough to remember that song in your title though. It was played constantly when I was in college (I think that was when it was). It always brings back happy memories even though it wasn't my favorite when I heard it originally.

Katie said...

haha! poor guy :( but good for you for putting up with him.

NouveauBlogger said...

Well thanks ladies...I'm surprised I came across as patient, lol. I didn't FEEL very patient at the time. I certainly wouldn't classify myself in that regard in many instances for sure (i.e. impulse buying, golf, etc.)