Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Her Touch

I've been with my wife for 18 years (married 10) and the last night when I couldn't sleep she rolled over (I think she was asleep) and put her hand on my shoulder. There was no conversation and the touch led to nothing more. But, I was smiling that content sort of smile. DAMN if it didn't feel good!

Her Touch.....

A tap on the butt to access a drawer,
Or gentle push aside and nothing more,

She fixes a collar or straigthens a tie,
Perhaps a nudge in the ribs to catch my eye,

Across a table during dim-lighted drinks,
Its seems so simple yet conveys what she thinks,

A response of laughter to an inside joke,
Or when I am teasing and need a good poke,

In a special place when we're not quite alone,
To rekindle a memory that's only our own,

A head on a shoulder, a hand on a chest,
While snuggled in bed not looking for rest,

Whispered warm breath and a kiss on the ear,
Goosebumps all over as painted nails steer,

In the dark of the night while pretending to sleep,
Enjoying the tickle as her fingers creep,

I smile to myself as sleep comes to be,
Knowing her touch is only for me.

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